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VOCs and Hydrocarbons

Why Monitor VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)?


Due to environmental issues, the world of gas analysis is evolving rapidly. Governments have set the rules to limit and control the environmental pollution through various legislations. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), often produced by human activities, are amongst the sources of pollution that need to be identified and quantified for safety reasons. Exposure to high concentrations of certain VOCs are dangerous even if for short durations. The impact of low concentrations of VOCs on public’s health and the environment has also become a major concern in recent years.

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Since 1986, Chromatotec® has been recognised worldwide for their accurate gas analysis in the field of ambient air monitoring and natural gas. Gas chromatography (GC) is a common type of chromatography used in analytical chemistry for separating and analysing compounds that can be stable in the vapour state. Chromatotec’s products allow the quantification and identification of compounds over a wide range of concentrations (including ppt, ppb, ppm and % levels) using gas chromatography analysers.

airmoVOC C2-C6 (A11000)
airmoVOC C2-C6

airmoVOC C2-C6 (A11000 – designed for analysis + monitoring of ‘light’ hydrocarbons. It is used for the measurement of volatile hydrocarbon in the range of C2 to C6 i.e. from Ethane through 1,3-Butadiene up to Benzene (and other C6 compounds) – to a total up to 32 compounds in a single analysis cycle.


  • Detection Limit: 15 ppt or 33 ng/m3 of 1,3-Butadiene

  • Cycle time: 30 minutes as standard

  • Data Output: embedded PC storage (5U with LCD display), with 4-20mA, MODBUS/JBUS option


Main application areas:

  • Urban/indoor VOC pollution control

  • VOC screening in CO2 for food & beverage production

  • Industrial hygiene and fenceline monitoring

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airmoVOC C6-C12
airmoVOC C6-C12 (A21022)

airmoVOC C6-C12 (A21022) – designed for analysis of up to 32 compounds from C6 to C12 (hexane, naphthalene up to dodecane, BTEX included).

  • Detection Limit: 10 ppt or 0.05 μg/m3 of tri-methylbenzene

  • Cycle time: 15-30 minute

  • Data Output: embedded PC storage (5U with LCD display), with MODBUS/JBUS option


Main application areas:

  • Urban/indoor VOC pollution control

  • Water treatment (EPA Purge & Trap Method 502-2/524)

  • Industrial hygiene and fenceline monitoring

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airmoVOC 624
airmoVOC 624 (A24022)

airmoVOC 624 (A24022) – designed for analysis of up to 49 compounds from C6 to C12 (hexane, naphthalene up to dodecane, BTEX included) and halogenated compounds (TO14) or (PAMS).​

  • Detection Limit: 10 ppt or 0.05 μg/m3 of tri-methylbenzene

  • Cycle time: 15-60 minute

  • Data Output: embedded PC storage (5U with LCD display), with MODBUS/JBUS option


Main application areas:

  • Urban/indoor VOC pollution control

  • Water treatment (EPA Purge & Trap Method 502-2/524)

  • Industrial hygiene and fenceline monitoring

airmOzone (A52022) – PAMS 56 VOCs
airmOzone A52022

airmOzone - by combining airmoVOC C2-C6 and airmoVOC C6-C12 analyzers with Flame Ionization Detector (FID). airmOzone is designed to analyse both light and heavy volatile hydrocarbon compounds with effective separation and sensitivity down to ppt levels. The system is calibrated with primary gas standard certified at ±2%. The analyser is linear in the range up to 100ppb.


The airmOzone system is designed specifically to measure ozone precursors as well as toxic compounds like benzene, following the European Directive 2002/3/CE (31 VOCs), and US-EPA PAMS program (56 VOCs).


AirmOzone system is integrated in a 33U rack cabinet, with internal calibration (airmoCAL), H2 generator (Hydroxychrom) and zero air generator (airmoPURE). The embedded PC and Vistachrom software controls the analyzers and enables storage and display of the chromatograms in real-time.

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airmoScanExpert – PAMS + TO-14/TO-15, more than 100 VOCs

airmoSCANExpert is a turnkey solution for the continuous analysis of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds (PAH) BTEX and Dioxine Precursors in one single package – using a trap GC-MS/FID system. It can monitor up to 100 VOCs from % down to ultra-trace level (ppt).


airmoSCANExpert is a combination of two robust instruments, airmoVOC expert and Det QMS, which allows quantification and identification of chemicals. The complementarity of the instruments allows the monitoring of low concentrations in 30-minute cycle time (using GC/FID/QMS), and/or the very fast (6 minutes) detection of concentration changes at ppm levels (direct injection into QMS).

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