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Process and Specialty Gas Analysis 

California Analytical Instruments (CAI) is a leading provider of continuous, on-line single & multi-gas analytical sensing technologies. CAI has developed and sold over 30,000 gas analyzers for use in a wide variety of industries. CAI’s line of instrumentation utilizes Heated Flame Ionization (HFID), Heated Chemiluminescence (HCLD), Infrared (NDIR), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) and Paramagnetic detection methods to provide a suite of solutions tailored to our customers specific needs. CAI’s product offering covers a broad range of applications, including ambient, stack, engine exhaust, process and safety monitoring.


Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Analyzers

CAI offers four analyzer models that utilize Fourier Transfer Infrared technology for measuring concentrations of multiple gases within a sample. CAI FTIR analyzers deliver fast, accurate analysis of virtually any gas that has an infrared absorption spectrum.

  • 600 SC FTIR – Most IR-absorbing gases + short cell for higher concentration levels

  • 700 FTIR – Most IR-absorbing gases at ppb and low-ppm levels

  • 7000 FTIR – Most IR-absorbing gases at ppb and low-ppm levels

CAI FTIR analyzers are based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Non-symmetrical gas phase molecules absorb IR light, causing the molecular bonds to stretch, bend or rotate. This absorption is used to measure and quantify several chemical components simultaneously. CAI FTIR analyzers are well-suited for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Stack gases (CEM/MACT)

  • Vehicle emissions

  • Process control

  • VOC abatement/scrubber efficiency

  • Ammonia slip

  • Gas purity

  • Agricultural emissions

  • Greenhouse gas

  • Biomass/landfill gas

Gas Purity (GPA) Analyzers

GPA 2000 Series Gas Purity Analyzers utilize the speed of sound to accurately detect the concentration of one gas in the presence of another.The GPA 2000 comes equipped with data on nearly 500 gases that are characterized over a wide range of concentrations. This gas information is easily selected from the front panel or remotely via a digital interface, allowing over 50,000 different mixtures to be measured. Gases can be added to the data tables as can user-defined gas mixtures which can be treated as one gas species. 

GPA 2000 software allows the end user to reconfigure the unit for a wide variety of different gas combinations, making it an ideal choice for gas cylinder filling operations. The GPA 2000 can applied in a variety of different applications:

  • Air separation: verifying gas cylinder-filling operations and analyzer calibration gas mixtures.

  • Verifying specialty gas blends used in the semiconductor industry (e.g. Formic Acid in N2).

  • H2 purity analysis for turbine generators used in power plants.

  • Verifying the N2 purity from nitrogen skid generators.

  • Heat treating / annealing furnace applications (e.g. 10% H2 in N2).

  • Gas purity analysis of H2 and O2 gases generated by large-scale electrolysis plants.

  • Analysis of H2 purity from pressure swing absorption (PSA) units.


Photoacoustic Infrared Spectroscopy (PAS) Analyzers

CAI PAS Sense analyzers use photoacoustic infrared technology to measure many of the most commonly measured IR-absorbing gases. Gas selectivity is achieved through the use of optical filters that provide both a means of detecting the gas of interest and compensating for interfering gases and water. Both bench-top and rack-mounted PAS configurations are available.

An optional carousel is available to accommodate up to five additional gases. Typical applications for CAI PAS analyzers include:

  • Vehicle exhaust measurements for Ammonia, Ethanol, Nitrous Oxide, CO2, CO and H2O

  • SHED testing for Methanol, Ethanol, Toluene, CO2, R-134-A and H2O

  • Process quality control

  • Stack gases

  • VOC/THC analysis

  • Fermentation/greenhouse gases

  • Trace gas analysis

  • Occupational health and safety

  • Livestock emissions

UV Absorbance (UVA) Photometric Analyzers

CAI UVA 5000 Series Analyzers utilize the field-proven UV Absorbance method to continuously detect gas-phase compounds that are capable of absorbing UV light energy.

The UVA 5000 incorporates state-of-the-art optical components that are combined with fiber optics to provide highly accurate measurements in an extremely small, space-saving form factor. UVA 5000 analyzers can readily be applied in the following applications:

  • Trace H2S analysis in natural gas / amine scrubbers or in biogas food digesters.

  • Trace SO2 analysis in flue gas desulfurization (FGD).

  • Chlorine feed gas monitoring.

  • CLO2 analysis in the pulp and paper industry.

  • % F2 analysis in UF6 / nuclear fuel processing.

  • % NH3 analysis.

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