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Met One Instruments, Inc. BAM 1022, Real-Time Portable Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor, continuously measures the mass concentration of ambient particulate matter collected onto glass filter tape with time resolution of one-minute. The BAM 1022 employs an in-line sampling geometry in which the attenuation of beta rays across filter media is measured and particulate matter is sampled simultaneously. This allows ambient sampling to occur for virtually 60 minutes each hour. It also allows for beta ray measurements to be made for virtually the entire hour thereby improving sensitivity and time resolution. 


Met One Instruments Model BAM-1022 is an instrument development of the model BAM-1020 with the US EPA Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) designation for continuous monitoring of PM2.5, in addition to the older EPA designation of monitoring PM10. BAM-1022 has also received the corresponding PM2.5 and PM10 certification in the European Union.




Advanced Features

  • In-Situ measurement of PM that provides high accuracy, minimal measurement artifacts.

  • Reduced background determination frequency.

  • Unsurpassed performance under high ambient dew point operation.

  • Advanced communications features allowing remote operation and

  • cloud-based communication.

  • Advanced diagnostics.

  • Improved sensitivity compared to other in-line beta attenuation mass monitors.

  • Meteorological and other sensor inputs.


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